Nature heals: forests, meadows, trees and flowers. We have forgotten about it and it is time to remember! There is so much that nature offers and nature is Lightproducts! Lightproducts is more than a company, it is a place that brings people together from all walks of life! People who are ready to change from neorganic ways back to organic and that is Lightporducts! Lets make it happen! Peace, Love and Harmony!

Legend Tells:

   There is a magical place where the goddess Leto lived! Streams where flowing out of the undergrounds blessing animals and plants with energy of life! People from all over the world would go and ask for an advice to Leto about plant medicine and healing potions! Even ancient Egyptians needed and advice! One day Leto was walking in the forest and listened to birds and sounds of streams in a distance when someone called her from behind. She turned and there was father of all gods Zeus standing in front of her! She was so surprised and happy that she fell in love with him! Zeus had not met so extraordinary and gorgeous woman and he fell in love with her! Very soon a son of Zeus and Leto was born who they called Appolo – the god of the sun! Zeus, Leto and Appolo moved to Greece where Leto took care of  Appolo. Till this day there is a magical forest that is known as the centre of the world where trees and plants grow high in energy! It is a place where sick gets healed and love flourish like a wild flower!

Legacy of Leto lives on!


Magical forest, somewhere in the heart of the Baltics.

Our mission is to bring people back to healing in natural ways! Back to nature where we belong!

We love you, we respect you and we welcome you!

We are bringing you the best healing products to help you to envolve to the 5th dimension!

Medicine Teas


Bee Pollen

Bee Bread


Bee milk



Traditional Signs


Amber Dust

Sauna Things